成都景点英文名称 (成都景点英文介绍50词)

成都桑拿 05-20 阅读:30 评论:0
成都景点英文名称 (成都景点英文介绍50词)
English Name Chinese Name Description
Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地 A world-renowned research and breeding facility for giant pandas.
Leshan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛 One of the largest and most iconicstone Buddha statues in the world.
Wenshu Monastery 文殊院 A Buddhist temple known for its beautiful architecture and serene atmosphere.
People's Park 人民公园 A large park in the city center with a lake, gardens, and teahouses.
Jiuyanqiao Ancient Town 九眼桥古镇 A historic town with well-preserved traditional buildings and narrow streets.
Sichuan Science and Technology Museum 四川科学技术馆 A museum dedicated to science and technology, with interactive exhibits and displays.
Chengdu Museum 成都博物馆 A museum showcasing the history and culture ofChengdu and the surrounding area.
Happy Valley 欢乐谷 An amusement park with a variety of rides and attractions.
Chengdu Zoo 成都动物园 A large zoo with a wide variety of animals from around the world.
Dujiangyan Irrigation System 都江堰水利工程 An ancient irrigation system that still provides water to Chengdu today.
Mount Qincheng 青城山 A sacred mountain with Taoist temples and stunning scenery.
Huanglongxi Ancient Town 黄龙溪古镇 A historic town known for its traditional architecture and folk performances.
Wide and Narrow Alleys 宽窄巷子 A popular tourist area with traditional Chinese architecture and shops.
Mount Siguniang 四姑娘山 A scenic mountain range with beautiful peaks and valleys.
Chunxi Road 春熙路 A bustling shopping street in the city center.
