to 20 Inspiring and the Slogans Welcome Catchy Universiade English

成都耍耍 02-02 阅读:77 评论:0



1、 A smile is our language, civilization is our faith. (微笑是我们的语言,文明是我们的信念。)

2、 Courtesy and civilization is our key to coexist. (礼貌和文明是我们共处的金钥匙。)

3、 Let our spirit be as beautiful as flowers. (让我们的心灵像花一样美丽。)

4、 Let us farewell uncivilized behavior. (让我们告别不文明的行为。)

5、 Civilization is the bridge to communicate with each other. (文明是彼此沟通的桥梁。)

6、 Let civilization be the source of happiness. (让文明成为快乐的源泉。)

7、 Let our hearts be as beautiful as flowers. (让我们的心灵像花一样美丽。)

8、 Caring for our school is our responsibility; protecting our school is our duty; loving our school is our voice. (关心学校是我们的责任,保护学校是我们的义务,热爱学校是我们的心声。)

9、 to 20 Inspiring and the Slogans Welcome Catchy Universiade English School is the place for learning, and civilization is the foundation of success. (学校是学习之所,文明是成功之本。)

10、 Let us come together: care for the collective, cherish public property, protect the environment! (让我们一起来:关心集体,爱护公物,保护环境!)

11、 Let us bid farewell to uncivilized behavior. (让我们告别不文明的行为。)

12、 Civilization is the bridge to communicate with each other. (文明是彼此沟通的桥梁。)

13、 Show kindness in our words and actions. (在我们的一言一行中展现善意。)

14、 The sky is a warm cradle, let"s not pollute it with smoke and make the earth sad; the grass is a beautiful carpet, let"s not litter and embarrass the earth! (天空是温暖的摇篮,不要再向天空吐烟,让地球心酸;草地是美丽的地毯,不要再乱扔杂物,让地球难堪!)

15、 Green and civilization are hope, let"s sow hope together! (绿色和文明是希望,让我们一起来播种希望吧!)

16、 Let our qualities and civilization be demonstrated in our words and actions! (让我们的素质及文明展现在一言一行中!)

17、 Civilization is the core of success, the sail of the boat of dreams. (文明是成功之花的蕊,是理想之舟的帆。)

18、 The stars contribute their brilliance to us, the sky contributes its blue to us, the forest contributes its green to us, and the flowers contribute their beauty to us. What can we contribute to nature? (星空为我们贡献灿烂,天空为我们贡献蔚蓝,森林为我们贡献绿色,鲜花为我们贡献绚丽,大自然为我们贡献了自己,而我们该为大自然贡献点什么呢?)

19、 Saying "hello" to teachers is not difficult; what"s difficult is sincerely saying "hello" to teachers. (向老师说声好,不困难;困难的是,要坚持向老师真心地说声好。)

20、 Let the atmosphere of civilization fill every corner of our school. (让文明的气息洋溢在学校的每个角落。)


1、 Strive for the Ten Universiade, soar like a dragon and tiger, everyone competes to be the host. (拼搏十运龙腾虎跃,人人争当东道主。)

2、 Contribute to the Ten Universiade, holding dreams in our hands, embracing the power of perseverance. (我为十运做贡献,十运拥有梦想,拼搏尽显力量。)

3、 Can anyone tell me the slogan for the Universiade? (谁能告诉我关于大运会的口号?)

4、The slogan chosen for the volunteers is " I"m Here ," which succinctly showcases the volunteer culture of being everywhere and providing enthusiastic service. It also reflects the pride and sense of responsibility of the young people, particularly the post-80s and post-90s generations, who prioritize self-realization and self-improvement, and it has unlimited imaginative possibilities.


1、 One big step towards harmony society. (和谐社会一大步。)

2、 Civilized behavior is a small step, just like the Olympic torch relay. (文明礼让一小步,就好像奥运火炬传递一样。)

3、 Civilization is a power that can unite everyone"s passion. It can be passed on in the hands of each individual, treating others as we would like to be treated. (文明是一种力量,也能够汇聚所有人的热情,在每一个人手中传递,推己及人,己所不欲,勿施于人。)

4、 One small step for courtesy and civilization, one giant leap for the people of Changde who benefit from harmony. (文明礼让一小步,和谐常德人人受益。)

5、 Get used to smiling. Civilization is a choice, make it your habit. (习惯了微笑。文明是一种选择,让她成为你的习惯。)


1、 Harmonious China, all people participate, all people benefit. (和谐中国,全民全运。)

