课堂规则英语怎么说 (课堂规则英语作文5句)

成都耍耍 04-17 阅读:42 评论:0


1. 尊重他人

  • Be respectful of others.
  • Listen to others when they are speaking.
  • Do not interrupt others.
  • Be kind and considerate to others.

2. 专注于课堂

  • Pay attention to the teacher.
  • Stay on task.
  • Do not talk to your classmates unless you are given permission.
  • Do not use your phone or other electronic devices in class.


  • Ask questions when you do not understand.
  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Complete your homework assignments on time.
  • Be prepared for class.

4. 保持课堂整洁

  • Keep your desk and the classroom clean.
  • Put away your materials when you are finished with them.
  • Do not litter.
  • Help to keep the classroom organized.
课堂规则英语怎么说 (课堂规则英语作文5句)

5. 遵守时间

  • Be on time for class.
  • Do not leave class early without permission.
  • Be punctual for all deadlines.
  • Respect the time of others.


