2021成都中考英语试卷及答案解析 (2021成都中考语文试卷真题及答案)

成都品茶 04-06 阅读:98 评论:0
2021成都中考英语试卷及答案解析 (2021成都中考语文试卷真题及答案)


  1. Which of the following is the correct pluralform of "child"? (A) Childs (B) Childrens (C) Children (D) Child 答案:C
  2. He is not only a good teacher, but also a great ______. (A) dancer (B) dancers (C) dancing (D) dance 答案:C
  3. I ______ to Shanghai next week. (A) go (B) will go (C) am going (D) went 答案:B
  4. He ______ English for ten years. (A) has learned (B) has been learning (C) learn (D) learned 答案:B
  5. She asked me ______. (A) what are you doing (B) what did you do (C) what you are doing (D) what you were doing 答案:C



One day, I was walking down the street when I saw a little girl sitting on the sidewalk. She was crying and looked very sad. I went over to her and asked her what was wrong. She said that she had lost her dog, and she didn't know what to do. I told her that I would help her look for it.

We searched high and low, but we couldn't find the dog anywhere. The girl was getting more and more upset. I didn't want to see her so sad, so I decided to do something to cheer her up. I took her to the park and bought her an ice cream. She started to feel a little better. Then, we went back to the place where she had last seen her dog.

As we were walking, we saw a man walking towards us with a dog on a leash. The dog looked just like the one the girl had lost. We ran up to the man and asked him if it was his dog. He said yes, and the girl was so happy! She hugged the dog and thanked the man.

I was so glad that I could help the girl find her dog.n (B) During the Warring States period (C) During the Qin dynasty (D) During the Han dynasty 答案:B

  • What was the main purpose of the Great Wall? (A) To defendagainst invaders (B) To promote trade (C) To communicate with distant parts of the empire (D) All of the above 答案:D
  • What is the author's main purpose in writing this passage? (A) To tell the story of the Great Wall of China (B) To explain the importance of the Great Wall of China (C) To describe the construction of the Great Wall of China (D) To persuade readers to visit the Great Wall of China 答案:B
  • 写作(共40分)


    • 你的爱好是什么?
    • 你为什么喜欢这个爱好?
    • 这个爱好给你带来了什么好处?
