课堂规则十条 (课堂规则十条英语)

成都品茶 04-16 阅读:43 评论:0
课堂规则十条 (课堂规则十条英语) 课堂规则十条Classroom Rules1.尊重他人尊重老师和同学。倾听他人讲话。不要打断他人讲话。待人有礼貌。Respect OthersRespect the teacher and classmates.Listen to others when they are speaking.Do not interrupt others when they are speaking.Be polite to others.2. 积极参与专心听讲。积极参与课堂讨论。提出问题和回答问题。完成课堂作业。Be an Active ParticipantPay attention to the lesson.Participate actively in class discussions.Ask and answer questions.Complete all classwork assignments.3. 保持课堂整洁保持自己的办公桌和周围区域整洁。不要在课堂上吃东西或喝饮料。妥善处理废品。Keep the Classroom CleanKeep your desk and the area around it clean.Do not eat or drink in class.Dispose of trash properly.4. 守时准时上课。准时提交作业。准时参加考试。Be on TimeArrive to class on time.Turn in assignments on time.Take tests on time.5. 遵守规则遵守课堂规则和学校规定。不做违反规则的事情。如果有疑问,请询问老师。Follow the RulesFollow classroom rules and school regulations.Do not do anything that breaks the rules.Ask the teacher if you have any questions.6. 专注学习上课期间专注于学习。不要做与学习无关的事情。不要使用手机或其他电子设备,除非老师允许。Focus on LearningFocus on your learning during class time.Do not do things that are not related to learning.Do not use cell phones or other electronic devices unless the teacher permits it.7. 求助如果需要帮助,请举手询问老师。不要害怕提问。与老师和同学互相帮助。Ask for HelpRaise your hand and ask the teacher for help if you need it.Do not be afraid to ask questions.Help each other out, both with teachers and classmates.8. 保持积极的态度保持积极的态度。对学习感到兴奋。相信自己。Have a Positive AttitudeHave a positive attitude.Be excited about learning.Believe in yourself.9. 承担责任对自己的行为负责。如果违反了规则,接受后果。从错误中学习。Take ResponsibilityBe responsible for your own actions.Accept the consequences if you break the rules.Learn from your mistakes.10. 享受学习享受学习的乐趣。发现新事物。扩展你的知识。Enjoy LearningHave fun learning.Discover new things.Expand your knowledge.
