课堂规则十条课后 (课堂规则十条英语)

成都夜店 04-17 阅读:36 评论:0
  1. 准时上课
  2. 准时上课是对老师和同学的尊重。迟到不仅会干扰课堂进度,还会给老师和同学留下不好的印象。

  3. 准备好上课
  4. 准备好上课包括准备好必要的材料,如教科书、笔记本、笔和纸。做好准备可以帮助你更好地理解和参与课堂讨论。

  5. 尊重老师和同学
  6. 尊重老师和同学意味着倾听别人的发言,不打断别人,并使用礼貌的语言。尊重他人可以营造一个积极和包容的学习环境。

  7. 专心上课
  8. 专心上课意味着集中注意力,不分心。你可以通过避免交谈、发短信或上网来保持li>寻求帮助


课堂规则十条课后 (课堂规则十条英语)


  1. Be on time to class
  2. Being on time to class is a sign of respect for the teacher and your classmates. Arriving late can disrupt the flow of the lesson and create a negative impression.

  3. Come prepared to class
  4. Coming prepared to class means having the necessary materials, such as textbooks, notebooks, pens, and paper. Being prepared will help you to better understand and engage in class discussions.

  5. Be respectful of the teacher and your classmates
  6. Being respectful of the teacher and your classmates means listening to others when they speak, not interrupting, and using polite language. Respecting others creates a positive and iect different viewpoints

    Respecting different viewpoints means accepting and understanding the perspectives of others, even if you do not agree with them. Respecting different viewpoints promotes diversity and inclusion in the classroom.

  7. Stay positive
  8. Staying positive means approaching learning with a positive attitude. A positive attitude will help you to overcome challenges and increase your motivation to learn.

  9. Ask for help
  10. When you are struggling or need help, do not be afraid to ask your teacher or classmates for assistance. Asking for help will allow you to better understand the course material and it can also build relationships with your classmates and teacher.

