课堂规则的英语怎么说 (课堂规则的英文)

成都娱乐 04-17 阅读:44 评论:0


1. 对待他人要有礼貌

  • Be respectful to others.
  • Raise your hand to speak.
  • Listen to others when they are speaking.
  • Do not interrupt others.

2. 尊重老师和学校财产

  • Respect the teacher and other school staff.
  • Take care of school property.
  • Do not damage or steal school property.

3. 按时上课并做好准备

  • Be on time for class.
  • Bring all necessary materials to class.
  • Be prepared to participate in class activities.

4. 专注于学习

  • Pay attention in class.
  • Participate in class discussions.
  • Ask questions when you do not understand something.
  • Complete all assignments on time.

5. 保持课堂清洁整洁

  • Keep the classroom clean and tidy.
  • Put away your belongings after use.
  • Do not litter or graffiti.

6. 遵守课堂安全规定

  • Follow all classroom safety rules.
  • Do not run or horseplay in the classroom.
  • Report any safety concerns to the teacher.

7. 着装得体

  • Dress appropriately for school.
  • Do not wear clothing that is revealing or offensive.

8. 尊重差异

  • Respect diversity.
  • Do not discriminate against others based on race, religion, gender, or any other characteristic.

9. 使用电子设备负责任

  • Use electronic devices responsibly in class.
  • Do not use electronic devices to distract yourself or others.

10. 服从老师的指示

    课堂规则的英语怎么说 (课堂规则的英文)
  • Follow the teacher's instructions.
  • If you do not understand something, ask for clarification.


