课堂规则的英语 (课堂规则的英文)

成都洗浴 04-17 阅读:30 评论:0


1. 尊重他人

  • Be respectful of your classmates and teacher.
  • Listen when others are speaking.
  • Do not interrupt others.

2. 保持课堂清洁

  • Keep your desk and the surrounding area clean.
  • Do not litter.
  • Dispose of trash properly.

3. 专注于学习

  • Come to class prepared with all necessary materials.
  • Pay attention during lessons.
  • Participate in class discussions.

4. 遵守时间

  • Be on time for class.
  • Do not leave the classroom without permission.
  • Return to your seat when the bell rings.

5. 保持安全

  • Follow all safety instructions.
  • Do not run or play in the classroom.
  • Report any accidents or injuries immediately.

6. 使用电子设备

  • Use electronic devices only for educational purposes.
  • Do not use electronic devices during lessons without permission.
  • 课堂规则的英语 (课堂规则的英文)
  • Store electronic devices out of sight when not in use.

7. 遵守着装规定

  • Dress appropriately for school.
  • Do not wear clothing that is revealing or disruptive.
  • Follow any specific dress code requirements for the school or classroom.



  • 明确传达规则并定期复习。
  • 为遵守规则的学生提供积极的强化措施。
  • 对违反规则的学生采取适当的纪律措施。
  • 营造一个公平和尊重的课堂环境。


